C as in Chicha
(Peruvian drink with amaranth seeds)
(Peruvian drink with amaranth seeds)
L as in Louis Vuitton
O as in Order of the Amaranth
(Masonic-affiliated organization for Master Masons and their Ladies founded in 1873)
(Masonic-affiliated organization for Master Masons and their Ladies founded in 1873)
P as in pre-Columbian Aztecs
(people that had amaranth's grains very present in their diets)
(people that had amaranth's grains very present in their diets)
R as in Reggio Calabria
(it's the official color of the city)
(it's the official color of the city)
S as in Scarlet Hair
T as in Taco Bell
U as in Università di Bologna
Z as in Zinc
(one of the minerals in amaranth's seeds)
(one of the minerals in amaranth's seeds)