Saturday, December 3, 2016

Post XIX - Anatomy

Hello everyone, I am Amaranth. 

You probably never heard my name before. And if you have, I'm pretty sure you think you can eat me. That's not true though. You can eat something produced by my mother, the Amaranth plant. She's beautiful and brightful and that's where I get my name from. I'm actually a color, nice to meet you! The same way I got my name from my mom, my color is in honor of her as well. Even though I was born in the English language in 1690, not many people know about my existence so I'm going to explain you my anatomy based on people's senses, hope you are interested. 

 If you want to create me from scratch, with your own hands, using your touch sense I can be reached starting with the primary color red (paint) and being added to that a bit of black depending on the shade you want to achieve. I'm so eclectic that once you get to this mixture you can create the variations you like: if you want me to be lighter, add some blue; if you want me to be darker, add some yellow.

Even though it's super easy to create me, it's not that easy to see me (at least that's what scientists say, but I'm pretty much every where, you just have to pay attention!!) The color is assimilated by the human body through the vision, which is the sense that takes the information more quickly to the brain. By that means, that it has an immediate stimulus and the color will lead to various reactions on the observer (positive or negative).

The amaranth color can be seen when the red-sensitive cones of our eyes are activated, together with some of the green and the blue, generating the pink colors.

The pink shades 

  • Bright pinks, like the color red, stimulate energy and can increase the blood pressure, respiration, heartbeat, and pulse rate.
  • They also encourage action and confidence.
  • Pink has been used in prison holding cells to effectively reduce erratic behavior.

On the taste sense and on the smell senses, I like to think about myself according to my origins. As I said before, I come from a flower, so my smell is very delicate and flowery. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a field full of amaranth flowers, isn't it peaceful and mind opening? Ok, so this flowers are also going to give you lunch, because that's how we like to be, we like to fulfill all your needs. We also thing about your healthy, so don't worry you'll be receiving a lot of nutrients and no fat!!

And I think that's all folks. I hope you got to understand a bit more about me and please look around for me I'm really looking forward to meeting you more often!

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